Saturday, November 21, 2009

Technology Vision for 2020

Who knew the State of Texas even had this Long Term Range Plan for Technology. You definitely would not be able to tell it by looking at my campus. I must agree with its overall vision of students being able to access technology 24/7 regardless of barriers in order for them to be successful in the 21st century. Technology is the future and it is forever changing. It almost seems impossible for us to keep up. This plan goes into how it will affect parents, educators and the community. Parents will be able to communicate with staff, access grades and attendance. The plan points out the importance for staff development and distant learning for both staff and students. After all in order to incorporate technology into the classrooms, educators need to be educated themselves on the ever changing technology advances. With schools growing increasingly larger and budgets getting smaller this long term plan just seems to be out of reach. By the time 2020 gets here we will just be getting the technology for all classroom that is needed now and those items will be outdated.
As a future leader it is my goal to provide my staff including myself with the most beneficial technology training that focuses on ways they can implement the concepts, TEKS and new tools into their classrooms. I cannot voice enough the importance of technology for our students now and for their future. I agree we need to pick up the pace and start moving faster towards the technology advances.

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